Presentations/Media Exposures
- 令和6年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
Nursing manager training “Being close, consider, do everything to the person in front of you.”
December 14, 2024 Lecture at Kishiwada Municipal Hospital - 令和6年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
At Consulate Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan A lecture for mid-career training in 2024 “How we take care of deceased and bereaved family” was given.
- 9月講演会 「国境を越えた弔い」
September lecture: A lecture “cross-border condolences” was given at Japan Overseas Security Association on Septermber 25, 2024
- 岩手県葬祭業協同組合 研修会 「国際霊柩送還の心得」
At Iwate Pref. funeral directors organization, a lecture for workshop of Iwate Pref. funeral directors organization “Attitude of professionals for repatriation of mortal remains” was given - 令和5年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
At Consulate Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan A lecture for mid-career training in 2023 “How we take care of deceased and bereaved family” was given.
- 令和5年度JAMSNET日本会員起案型イベント 講演会
in lecture session 2023 for members of JAMSNET Japan at JAMSNET Japan, A lecture titled as “at the scene of living and death, things from professionals for repatriation of mortal remains” was given
- 急性期医療者支援研修会 「ご遺体・ご遺族への寄り添い方」
At Okayama University Hospital, A lecture titled as “How we tane care of deceased and bereaved family” for health professional of acute medical care was given.
- 全葬連 中国ブロック 令和5年度総会・研修会 「国際霊柩送還」
At All Japan Funeral Directors Co-Operation Chugoku Block, A lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 海外安全講演会 「海外進出企業へ国際霊柩送還士からお伝えしたいこと」
At The Japan Overseas Enterprises Association, Overseas Safety Lecture “Things from Professionals for Repatriation of Mortal Remains to Overseas companies” was given.
- 経営者勉強会 「国際霊柩送還」 講演
At Training Session for business people, a lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 北海道ブロック研修会 「国際霊柩送還士」
At Hokkaido Funeral Cooperative Association, a lecture titled as Hokkaido Block Seminar “Professionals for Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 山形県葬祭業協同組合 研修会 「国際霊柩送還」「弔い」「感染症」
At Yamagata Prefecture Funeral Association, a lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” “Condolence” “Infectious Disease” was given. - Amazon Originalドラマにて
An Amazon Original Movie “Angel Flight” created under our support and supervision started to be on air - 令和4年度 河合組檀信徒の集い『宗祖 法然上人御忌法要及び講演』
At Teishozan Hounji Temple, a presentation was made to Kawaigumi group members
- 山形県葬祭業協同組合 研修会 「外国人労働者・観光客死亡時の葬祭業」
At Yamagata Prefecture Funeral Association, a lecture titled as “Funerals for foreign workers/travelers in Japan” was given.
- 全国霊柩自動車協会東京都霊柩自動車協会 研修会
At All Japan Hearse Association Tokyo Branch, a lecture titled as “Measures for infectious diseases for hearse operators” was given
- 東京都葬祭業協同組合 11月研修会
At Tosokyo (a Tokyo funeral business association), a presentation titled as “Repatriation of mortal remains” was made at its November monthly session
- 一般社団法人海外邦人安全協会 外務精励会大手町倶楽部 JOSA 9月講演会
At JOSA (Japan Overseas Safety Association), a presentation tidied as “Quality of emergency response, viewed from a repatriation of mortal remains professional” was given at its September session
- the japan times様に弊社が紹介されました。
Japan Times introduced us as its article NEWS BUSINESS,CORPOTATE,THE LAST JOURNEY HOME
■Tokyo airport mortuary service specializes in repatriating the deceased from Japan and overseas
■From paperwork to embalming,Tokyo mortuary firm handles cross-border death with care
- 共同通信社様 多言語サイト
Kyodo News introduced us in its own multi-language site “Kyodo News+”
- トラベルビジョン株式会社様のウェブサイト
Travelvision reported the presentation made in Tourism EXPO Japan 2017
- ツーリズムEXPOジャパン2017
At Tourism EXPO Japan 2017, a presentation titled as “Onsite capabilities (Genbaryoku) to support peace of mind and safety in travels” was given
- JAMSNET東京 第6回講演会
At JAMSNET TOKYO, a presentation titled “Funerals beyond borders” was made
- 全国霊柩自動車協会四国霊柩自動車協会様
At Japan Hearse Association Shikoku branch, a training session was given
- 平成29年度全日本葬祭業協同組合連合会様
At All Japan Funeral Directors Co-Operation’s general meeting, a presentation was made
- テレビ 金曜ロードSHOW「池上彰くんに教えたいニュース」
On NIPPON TV, appeared to be interviewed by Mr. Akira IKEGAMI on his program
- テレビ いまドコ? ~ニッポンのスゴい運び人SP~
Appeared on a Fuji TV’s program
- 月刊『致知』11月号 特集「命をみつめて生きる」インタビュー 「人のために尽くす——それが私の選ばれた道 ~国際霊柩送還の現場から~」
Monthly “Chichi” November issue. Special feature “Living with a focus on life” Interview “Give my all to people –That is my chosen path– From the scene of international repatriation.
October 1, 2024 Chichi Books Publisher
- 「エース」272号
Appeared in an article titled as “What is Repatriation of Mortal Remains all about?” by Nippon Research Center
- グランドジャンプ 特別読切
Special Edition “Angel Flight : Repatriation of Mortal Remains” in Grand Jump by Shueisha
- 週刊女性
Appeared in” Human Documents” in Women’s Weekly issued by SHUFU-TO-SEIKATSUSHA
- 朝日新聞
Featured in Asahi Newspaper
- 日経ビジネス
Interviewed by NIKKEI BUSINESS Magazine issued by NIKKEI BP
- PHPスペシャル 2013年2月号
- 第10回開高健ノンフィクション賞 受賞作
“Angel Flight, Professionals for Repatriation of Mortal Remains” (author, Ms. Ryoko Sasa) published. This work got Ken Kaiko Non-Fiction Prize awarded.