About Us
Words from President
What can we do when a bereaved family is having deep grief? Deep grief for their loved one who passed away out of home country….
We, Airhearse International, offer anywhere in the world repatriation of mortal remains services whose qualities are unparalleled. The qualities are possible because we are highly skilled professionals. As such professionals, we are committed to delivering the services of quality to have the deceased R.I.P and to care the grief of the bereaved family. That is what we can do.
Representative Director President, Rie KIMURA
About Us
Company | Airhearse International Inc. |
Incorporated | In December, 2003 |
Representative | Representative Director President, Rie KIMURA |
Paid in Capital | JPY3,000,000 |
Businesses | Repatriation of mortal remains/cremated remains |
Registrations and Licenses | General Motor Truck Transportation Business (hearse only) |
Membership | ■ FIAT-IFTA https://www.thanos.org/en ■ Japan Hearse Association https://www.09tokyo.jp/ ■ All Japan Funeral Directors Co-Operation https://www.zensoren.or.jp/ |
Business Address | 305A-1, No.1 International Cargo Bldg., 2-6-3 Haneda-kuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0041, JAPAN TEL/03-6459-9509 FAX/03-6459-9510 * For visitors, preliminary registration for gate security clearance is required. How to enter TIACT (Tokyo International Air Cargo Terminal) |
2003 | AMS Corporation (the predecessor) was incorporated |
2004 | Expanded operational sites domestically |
2005 | Increase the number of operational vehicles. Started to cooperate with Tokyo Metropolitan Police for their anti-crime activities. |
2006 | Joined FIAT-IFTA (an European network of funeral operatives) Participated in FIAT-IFITA conference in Britain |
2007 | Renamed as "Airhearse International Inc.". Joined NFDA (a network of North American funeral operatives) |
2008 | Exhibited at Asia Funeral Expo in Macao. Participated in FIAT-IFTA conference in Spain |
2009 | Started to create international operational networks |
2010 | Participated in FIAT-IFTA conference in China |
2011 | Added an emergency response vehicle. Headquartered at TIACT |
2012 | Participated in FIAT-IFTA in Ireland |
2013 | Increased exposures in media |
2014 | Participated in FIAT-IFTA conference in Germany |
2015 | Held discussions on infectious diseases with MoHLW as well as medial services providers. |
2016 | Participated in FIAT-IFTA conference in Canada. Accepted the office of board member of Japan Hearse Association. |
2017 | Registered as a franchisee of All Japan Funeral Directors Co-operation |
2020 | Promoted as an active member of FIAT-IFTA |
2023 | An Amazon Original Movie "Angel Flight" created under our support and supervision started to be on air |
Presentations/Media Exposures
- 令和6年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
Nursing manager training “Being close, consider, do everything to the person in front of you.”
December 14, 2024 Lecture at Kishiwada Municipal Hospital - 令和6年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
At Consulate Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan A lecture for mid-career training in 2024 “How we take care of deceased and bereaved family” was given.
- 9月講演会 「国境を越えた弔い」
September lecture: A lecture “cross-border condolences” was given at Japan Overseas Security Association on Septermber 25, 2024
- 岩手県葬祭業協同組合 研修会 「国際霊柩送還の心得」
At Iwate Pref. funeral directors organization, a lecture for workshop of Iwate Pref. funeral directors organization “Attitude of professionals for repatriation of mortal remains” was given - 令和5年度 領事中堅研修 「ご遺体の取り扱いとご家族との関わり方について」
At Consulate Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan A lecture for mid-career training in 2023 “How we take care of deceased and bereaved family” was given.
- 令和5年度JAMSNET日本会員起案型イベント 講演会
in lecture session 2023 for members of JAMSNET Japan at JAMSNET Japan, A lecture titled as “at the scene of living and death, things from professionals for repatriation of mortal remains” was given
- 急性期医療者支援研修会 「ご遺体・ご遺族への寄り添い方」
At Okayama University Hospital, A lecture titled as “How we tane care of deceased and bereaved family” for health professional of acute medical care was given.
- 全葬連 中国ブロック 令和5年度総会・研修会 「国際霊柩送還」
At All Japan Funeral Directors Co-Operation Chugoku Block, A lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 海外安全講演会 「海外進出企業へ国際霊柩送還士からお伝えしたいこと」
At The Japan Overseas Enterprises Association, Overseas Safety Lecture “Things from Professionals for Repatriation of Mortal Remains to Overseas companies” was given.
- 経営者勉強会 「国際霊柩送還」 講演
At Training Session for business people, a lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 北海道ブロック研修会 「国際霊柩送還士」
At Hokkaido Funeral Cooperative Association, a lecture titled as Hokkaido Block Seminar “Professionals for Repatriation of Mortal Remains” was given.
- 山形県葬祭業協同組合 研修会 「国際霊柩送還」「弔い」「感染症」
At Yamagata Prefecture Funeral Association, a lecture titled as “Repatriation of Mortal Remains” “Condolence” “Infectious Disease” was given. - Amazon Originalドラマにて
An Amazon Original Movie “Angel Flight” created under our support and supervision started to be on air - 令和4年度 河合組檀信徒の集い『宗祖 法然上人御忌法要及び講演』
At Teishozan Hounji Temple, a presentation was made to Kawaigumi group members
- 月刊『致知』11月号 特集「命をみつめて生きる」インタビュー 「人のために尽くす——それが私の選ばれた道 ~国際霊柩送還の現場から~」
Monthly “Chichi” November issue. Special feature “Living with a focus on life” Interview “Give my all to people –That is my chosen path– From the scene of international repatriation.
October 1, 2024 Chichi Books Publisher
- 「エース」272号
Appeared in an article titled as “What is Repatriation of Mortal Remains all about?” by Nippon Research Center
- グランドジャンプ 特別読切
Special Edition “Angel Flight : Repatriation of Mortal Remains” in Grand Jump by Shueisha
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